
5 Tips To Prepare For Anal Sex

It can be something you've considered, something you always do, or something your spouse has indicated they'd like to try. Although anal sex is frequently cloaked in mystery or, at the very least, unpleasant to discuss, it may be a very delightful method to have sex. Anal intercourse can be extremely stimulating for individuals with a prostate gland, whereas internal clitoral pleasure is frequently experienced by those with a vagina. There are a few things to bear in mind that will make your first experience with rear entry more enjoyable if you've been wanting to give it a try. Here is our introduction to anal. Get STI tested Although pregnancy may not be dangerous during anal penetration, STIs can still be spread. How can you safeguard against unintentional transmission? Before sexual activity, visit your neighborhood testing facility to determine your STI status and ask your sexual partner(s) to do the same. Start slow Ensure that penetration begins gradually. Be su